31 Days to Work-At-Home Success Day 20: Services, Products, Information, Oh My
Regardless of the business you start, it will involve either selling your skills, your stuff or your knowledge, or all of the above. By now you should have a list of your skill, experiences and interests that you’d like to make a career of. The next step is to determine how exactly you’re going to do that. Start by figuring out how each of your skills, experiences or interests can be fit into a service, product or information. For example, if you know bookkeeping you can:
1) Sell bookkeeping services (Service Business)
2) Sell bookkeeping software and tools (Product Business)
3) Sell ebooks or videos or start a blog on bookkeeping (Information Business)
4) Some combination of the above such as selling information on how to use specific bookkeeping software and providing bookkeeping services.
Now it’s your turn. Pick the top two or three ideas from your inventory, and brainstorm money making ideas. How can you offer your idea as a service (selling your skill). Are there products you can sell either by making your own or selling some made by another company? Is there some aspect you can teach through ebooks, videos or blogging?