WAHS Expert Tips: What One Resource Can’t You Live Without?


I use a lot of tools and resources to make my living at home. It’s impossible for me to pick just one, because I need them all. Even so, I asked a group of successful home-based workers what one resource they had to have. It brings their work down the very base. Yes we all need email lists and social media, but if you were stuck on the deserted island, what would be the very basics to keep the income coming in? Here are their responses:

“What One Resource Can’t You Live Without?”

Michael Kaiser-Nyman Impact Dialing

My mentors. I constantly run into problems that I have no idea how to solve, and I have a great network of mentors who I can turn to for help and advice.

Tiffany Powell Sapphire Bookkeeping & Accounting Inc

I can’t live without my droid pro. I love having the flexibility to see all of my email accounts and be able to respond to any clients questions directly from it. Although my office is at home I meet with a lot of clients during the week at their businesses to make it more convenient for them so if I didn’t have my phone I wouldn’t able to be available for other clients.

Lakeisha Johnson Absolute Solutions

My iPad. With it, I can work from almost anywhere.

Ben Fisher ParkCityLifeStyle.com

My laptop. I take it with me everywhere, conduct ALL of my business on it, and maintain contact with all clients consistently. It is my lifeline.

Shel Horowitz, Green and Profitable

My computer, which allows me to fix mistakes without retyping the whole thing, search the entire world’s knowledge base in seconds, recycle and repurpose material, keep and *find* important records, and so much more. (Mac running OS 10.5.8–been a Mac person since 1984)

Sally Murdoch Sally Murdoch Media Relations

My iphone.

Nancy Gong, Glass Artist Gong Glass Works

Internet access and the computer.

Jessie Boone IntegratePR

Our blog has become a great additional resource to communicate with our audience and get parents and children into the kitchen. The celebrity ambassador and HSK child chef of the month programs have also been great ways to connect with a whole new audience and are outlets that we definitely couldn’t function without.

Craig Wolfe CelebriDucks

Only two things and I could run this business from a beach in Waikiki. A phone and a laptop!

Aneesah LaStrape Black Millionaire Media

I can’t live without my laptop and the internet.

Christine Shuck C’s Cleaning Services

My computer and internet connection.

Leslie’s Thoughts: Realistically, the two things I absolutely need are a computer and Internet access. But there are many tools and resources that have made my work-at-home life much easier and they are:

WordPress – Nearly all my sites are now run on WordPress whether blogging is part of it or not. Fortunately, most webhosts how include the WP script in their libraries so it’s easy to install and use even you’re a tech newbie.
Smartphone – I started with a Droid, but now have an iPhone. Both have what you need to run your business on the go including email, calendar, payment processing, banking, … if you need to get it done, there’s like an app for that.

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